Friday, May 25, 2012

Change is good, sometimes. Change hurts, sometimes.

So, here it is 2012 and things are 100% different than how they were 365 days ago..
One year ago I was doing poorly in school, I was never going to school, I was not involved in anything except for band, I had no plans for my future, I was considered family to my boyfriends family, and I was visiting the Lockwoods practically every day. That has all changed. I have not missed a day of school in a long while, I am actually making a C or higher in all of my classes, I am in AFJROTC and the band, I help out with the drama department, I set a goal to go to college, my boyfriends family hasn't seen me nor have they talked to me for a few months now, I am not considered family either.
Most of this change is wonderful, I can finally see that I am growing up, I can thank Matthew for helping me accomplish that. Some of this change was my worst nightmare. Now the man I looked at as a second father doesn't like my father and so now I am no longer to see my boyfriend or his family unless we're at school. To make all of this worse, Matthew is leaving for basic training in August and he is graduating in a week. I don't even hey to celebrate him graduating with the family. I don't know if anyone knows how much all of this hurts me but it really does hurt more than anything. I feel as if I was kicked out of my own family, and that's pretty much how it was. The Lockwood always cared for me. They took me places, we ate dinner together mostly every night, we laughed together, we've cried together and I was even there for family discussions. I hope someday that all of this will change because I miss them all so much.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 6:41AM-11:25AM

6:41AM: Got in my ROTC uniform.
6:58AM: Went out to the car and drove away.
7:24AM: Went to Drivers Ed., room 5.
7:50AM: Went to meet Matthew in band, band hall.
7:51AM: Saluted Colonel Sullivan.
7:55AM: Went to History class, room 33.
8:00AM: My cell phone alarm went off.
8:13AM: Played Egyptian war with Stephanie and Pearson.
8:30AM: Took chapter 15 section 1 notes.
9:05AM: Went to Science class, room 10. On my way I saluted like ten different cadets.
9:10AM: Started taking notes on the anatomy of a frog.
9:30AM: Started my frog dissection.
10:00AM: Packed my frog and notes up and put them away.
10:05AM: Left science class.
10:07AM: Meet Matthew for nutrition.
10:18AM: Sat with Matthew in the cafeteria while drinking some Green Machine Naked fruit juice and eating some original Sun Chips.
10:20AM: Went to my Alternative Education class, room 17.
10:31AM: Ms. Petersen gave me 7.5 oz of Chef Boyardee Lasagna. ;)
10:46AM: I cautiously cooked my lasagna in Ms. Petersens REALLY old microwave.
10:53AM: Ms. Petersen gave me a peppermint bark Ghirardelli chocolate square.. I should have gotten the pumpkin spice..
10:55AM: I started eating my Lasagna.
10:59AM: I finished my Lasagna.
11:02AM: I had Ms. Petersen sign my MASH Day permission slip for JROTC.
11:04AM: Sent my cousin a text asking if his schools JROTC did MASH week too.
11:07AM: Started doing my makeup.
11:16AM: Finished my makeup.
11:17AM: Packed up.
11:20AM: Left Ms. Petersens room.
11:22AM: Went to JROTC, room 11 and 12.
11:25AM: Got called to attention, then to parade rest for roll call.
I forgot to say the rest so there you go!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hey there!

Yesterday my science class started dissecting worms. I was really excited when I found out about it and even when I did it it was very interesting. Today I had to take a test in the worm and the different parts of it, I got a 95%. I suppose I got a pretty good grade but I wish I had gotten a 100%. Tomorrow we start the frogs..
Today was a pretty good day I must say. . .

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I have been thinking a lot about everything.. This is a short post.